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Bikupan, the Story of a Trip to Visit a Hand Paper Mill in Sweden

With a Bit of History Added in for Good Measure Engelstalig

Bikupan, the Story of a Trip to Visit a Hand Paper Mill in Sweden - Peter Thomas, Donna Thomas
Quarter-bound in leather and blue marbled paper
Tweedehands vanaf 125,00

Koop Tweedehands

Centraal Magazijn
Conditie: Goed Boek (en eventueel omslag) in goede staat, mogelijk kleine foutjes of gebruikssporen
1 st.
Genummerd ex.: 39/119
Levertijd: 2-3 werkdagen

Koop Nieuw

Niet nieuw beschikbaar.


A beautiful fine press artists’ book. Edition of 119 numbered copies
Linocuts by Donna Thomas, text by Peter Thomas.
Contains some illustrations printed from metal engravings. Illustrations: Opening initial, one linocut, and reproductions of twelve line drawings of watermarks by Donna Thomas. Six samples of paper made at the Lessebo Paper Mill tipped in.



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