Charles T. Horngren 4 uitgaven gevonden Filteren Tonen als: Tegels Lijst Sorteer op: Prijs Titel Relevantie (aflopend) Relevantie (oplopend) Populariteit Inkoopdatum Beoordeling Uitgebreid zoeken Management and Cost Accounting Alnoor Bhimani, Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, Madhav Rajan Engelstalig Paperback 9781292436029 864 pagina's This bestseller text offers clear, simple-to-understand and comprehensive coverage of management and cost accounting. Management and Cost Accounting, 8th edition brings together techniques,... Vanaf 81,70 Bekijk exemplaren Financial Accounting, Global Edition Walter T. Harrison, Charles T. Horngren, C. William Thomas, Themin Suwardy, Wendy M. Tietz Engelstalig Paperback 9781292211145 816 pagina's For introductory courses in Financial Accounting.A User-Focused Approach and Solid Foundation in the Construction and Analysis of Financial Statements for Use in Future Courses and... Vanaf 25,00 Bekijk exemplaren Introduction to Management Accounting, Global Edition Charles T. Horngren, Gary L. Sundem, William Stratton, Dave Burgstahler, Jeff Schatzberg Paperback 9781292412566 864 pagina's Directed primarily toward Accounting college/university majors, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals.Introduction to Management Accounting... Vanaf 95,87 Bekijk exemplaren Introduction to Management Accounting Charles T. Horngren, Gary L. Sundem, David Burgstahler, William O. Stratton, Jeff Schatzberg Onbekend 9780273790013 860 pagina's For MBA-level managerial accounting courses.An essential tool for understanding how to make effective economic decisions.In today's troubled economy, it's important to show students how... Vanaf 30,00 Bekijk exemplaren