"Pocket Perspectives" 8 uitgaven gevonden Populaire rubrieken Kunst, Cultuur & Geschiedenis Filteren Tonen als: Tegels Lijst Sorteer op: Prijs Titel Relevantie (aflopend) Relevantie (oplopend) Populariteit Inkoopdatum Beoordeling Uitgebreid zoeken John Boardman on the Parthenon John Boardman Engelstalig Hardback 9780500027264 Mei 2024 88 pagina's Britain’s most distinguished historian of ancient Greek art recounts what the Parthenon and its sculptures meant to the citizens of 5th-century BCE Athens. Surprising, questioning,... Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren Julian Bell on Painting Julian Bell Engelstalig Hardback 9780500027288 Mei 2024 96 pagina's Respected painter and writer Julian Bell offers original insights into the art, practice and ongoing importance of painting. Surprising, questioning, challenging, enriching: the Pocket... Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren Griselda Pollock on Gauguin Griselda Pollock Engelstalig Hardback 9780500027721 Mei 2024 120 pagina's Griselda Pollock, feminist art historian and longstanding advocate of gender and racial inclusivity, unpacks the racist, sexist and imperialist underpinnings of works by Gauguin and others... Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren T.J. Clark on Bruegel T. J. Clark Engelstalig Hardback 9780500028667 September 2024 96 pagina's T.J. Clark offers profound insights on Bruegel’s art, where we encounter a reality formed from wholly worldly materials, yet suspended between belief and disbelief. Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren E.H.Gombrich on Fresco Painting E. H. Gombrich Engelstalig Hardback 9780500027448 Mei 2024 96 pagina's An interpretation of the history of mural painting from ancient Egypt to the twentieth century by one of most eminent art historians of all time, who wielded huge influence over both his... Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren Linda Nochlin on The Body Linda Nochlin Engelstalig Hardback 9780500027257 April 2024 88 pagina's Renowned art historian and pioneering feminist Linda Nochlin explores how, from the late 18th century, fragmented, mutilated and fetishized representations of the human body came to... Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren Lucy R. Lippard on Pop Art Lucy Lippard Engelstalig Hardback 9780500028674 September 2024 120 pagina's Explore the dynamic world of 1960s Pop Art through Lucy Lippard's insightful analysis in this new addition to the Pocket Perspectives series. Pop Art epitomized the free spirit of the... Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren James Hall on The Self-Portrait James Hall Engelstalig Hardback 9780500027271 Mei 2024 88 pagina's Excerpts from art critic, historian, lecturer and broadcaster James Hall’s lively and comprehensive cultural history of self-portraiture, including such artists as Dürer, Gentileschi, Van... Vanaf 14,99 Bekijk exemplaren