Management, psychologie & wetenschap, Adobe PDF 1.273 uitgaven gevonden Populaire rubrieken Computerboeken Geneeskunde Gezondheid Management & Economie Psychiatrie Psychologie Rechten Sociologie Talen Wetenschap Filteren (2) Tonen als: Tegels Lijst Sorteer op: Prijs Titel Relevantie Populariteit (aflopend) Populariteit (oplopend) Inkoopdatum Beoordeling Uitgebreid zoeken De vloek van Big Tech Reijer Passchier Nederlandstalig e-Book 9789400114425 Mei 2024 224 pagina's ‘Een scherpzinnig boek dat de wortels blootlegt van het probleem van Big Tech. Reijer Passchier laat zien dat we dieper moeten graven om de ongebreidelde macht van Big Tech te begrijpen. Een... Vanaf 31,50 Bekijk exemplaren The Regulation of the Non-Navigational Use of the Euphrates and Tigris River System Nicolas Bremer Engelstalig e-Book 9789462746817 April 2017 This book analyses the distribution and utilisation of the water of the Euphrates and Tigris river system from the perspective of international law. It shows which international treaties and... Vanaf 63,50 Bekijk exemplaren Dynamics of solidarity Dina Siegel Engelstalig e-Book 9789462740075 April 2019 212 pagina's ‘This study, carried out by an experienced and creative researcher, contains many surprising findings and enriches the existing literature on migration and social cohesion. The value of this... Vanaf 64,50 Bekijk exemplaren Japan in Space Engelstalig e-Book 9789089745286 Mei 2021 394 pagina's This book provides a comprehensive account of Japan’s space program, including the history of its space organizations, laws, and policies. The two main laws covering space activities are the... Vanaf 138,95 Bekijk exemplaren The Democratisation of the European Union Jaap Hoeksma Engelstalig e-Book 9789400112209 Januari 2023 168 pagina's The democratisation of the EU is a fascinating process with an unforeseen outcome: the European Union is emerging as a new kind of international organisation with an equally innovative model... 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