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Glenn Brookshear, Dennis Brylow Engelstalig Paperback 9781292263427 736 pagina's Vanaf 101,32 Bekijk exemplaren Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, Global Edition Dee Silverthorn Engelstalig Paperback 9781292259543 Augustus 2018 984 pagina's Encourage your students to move beyond memorisation with the best-selling text in Human Physiology. Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach is known for its active learning style and... Vanaf 95,87 Bekijk exemplaren Orthopedic Physical Examination Tests: An Evidence-Based Approach Chad Cook, Eric Hegedus Engelstalig Paperback 9781292027968 Januari 2017 552 pagina's For courses in orthopedics, physical therapy, athletic training, and physical examination, in programs for healthcare providers including physicians, nurses, athletic trainers, physician's... 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Vanaf 45,00 Bekijk exemplaren Organic Chemistry, Global Edition, 8th edition Paula Yurkanis Bruice Engelstalig Paperback 9781292160450 Juli 2016 For courses in Organic Chemistry (2-Semester) A framework for organic chemistry built around the similarities in reaction types Paula Bruice’s presentation in Organic Chemistry, Eighth... Vanaf 91,51 Bekijk exemplaren Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology Dennis Howitt Paperback 9781292251202 560 pagina's Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology by Dennis Howitt provides a comprehensive, practical and up to date coverage of the area. For the fourth edition, the text has been... Vanaf 63,17 Bekijk exemplaren Thomas' calculus George Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass Engelstalig Paperback 9781784498139 September 2017 This custom product has been designed to help you succeed. It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. 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