Auteur: At Home Publishers 4 uitgaven gevonden Populaire rubrieken Management & Economie Rechten Wetenschap Filteren (2) Tonen als: Tegels Lijst Sorteer op: Prijs Titel Relevantie (aflopend) Relevantie (oplopend) Populariteit Inkoopdatum Beoordeling Uitgebreid zoeken Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics Christiaan (Associate Professor at the Econometric Institute Heij, Paul de (Assistant Professor at the Econometric Institute Boer, Philip Hans (Professor of Applied Econometrics and Professor of Marketing Research Franses, Teun (Professor Emeritus of Econometrics Kloek Engelstalig Hardback 9780199268016 Maart 2004 816 pagina's Providing an understanding and experience of econometrics, this book covers basic econometric methods and addresses the creative process of model building. Using examples and exercises, it... Vanaf 133,35 Bekijk exemplaren Base Instincts Jonathan H. Pincus, M.D. Chief Of Neurology At Veterans Administration Medical Center And Professor Of Neurology Jonathan H Pincus Gekartonneerd met stofomslag 9780393050226 239 pagina's Neurologist Jonathan Pincus probes into the lives of numerous serial killers and other violent criminals to find out what triggers the violent instinct. Working with forensic psychologist... Vanaf 19,50 Bekijk exemplaren Fashion Rebecca (Oak Foundation Lecturer in History of Dress and Textiles at the Courtauld Institute of Art) Arnold Engelstalig Paperback 9780199547906 Oktober 2009 160 pagina's Fashion is a global industry, and plays a role in our economic, political, cultural, and social lives. However, fashion is often denigrated as trivial and superficial, a sign of vanity and... Vanaf 16,95 Bekijk exemplaren Punishment and Democracy Diverse auteurs Gekartonneerd met stofomslag 9780195136869 244 pagina's "Getting tough on crime" has been one of the favorite rallying cries of American politicians in the last two decades, and "getting tough" on repeat offenders has been particularly popular.... Vanaf 15,00 Bekijk exemplaren