Leiden (NL), "Pepin Press" 3 uitgaven gevonden Populaire rubrieken Koken, reizen & vrije tijd Filteren (1) Tonen als: Tegels Lijst Sorteer op: Prijs Titel Relevantie (aflopend) Relevantie (oplopend) Populariteit Inkoopdatum Beoordeling Uitgebreid zoeken Islamic Designs from Egypt Pepin Press Nederlandstalig Paperback 9789057681042 112 pagina's The culture of the Muslim world has developed a very specific type of ornamental design, which is grounded in the religious demands of Islam. Vanaf 12,50 Bekijk exemplaren Traditional henna designs Pepin Press Nederlandstalig Paperback 9789054960683 231 pagina's Henna body decoration is generally practiced on festive occasions, religious ceremonies, most notably, weddings. In all cultures that practice henna painting it is the hands and feet that... Vanaf 10,00 Bekijk exemplaren Embroídery Pepin Van Roojen, Pepin Press Nederlandstalig Paperback 9789057680380 128 pagina's Agile Rabbit Edition - This book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free... Vanaf 8,50 Bekijk exemplaren