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Financial Accounting, Global Edition


Financial Accounting, Global Edition - Walter T. Harrison, Charles T. Horngren, C. William Thomas, Themin Suwardy, Wendy M. Tietz
Tweedehands vanaf 25,00

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Rotterdam (Nederland)
Conditie: Goed Boek (en eventueel omslag) in goede staat, mogelijk kleine foutjes of gebruikssporen
1 st.
Levertijd: 1-2 werkdagen

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For introductory courses in Financial Accounting.
A User-Focused Approach and Solid Foundation in the Construction and Analysis of Financial Statements for Use in Future Courses and Careers
Financial Accounting gives readers a solid foundation in the fundamentals of accounting and the basics of Financial Statements, and then builds upon that foundation to offer more advanced/challenging concepts and problems. This scaffolded approach helps students to better understand the meaning and relevance of financial information, see its relevance within a real-world context, as well as develop the skills needed to analyse financial information in both their course and career.
While maintaining hallmark features of accuracy, readability, ease of understanding, and a wealth of accessible algorithmic problems, the 11th Edition includes updated explanations, coverage, and ratio analysis with decision-making guidelines. These latest methodologies and technology ensure that students learn basic concepts in accounting in a way that is relevant, stimulating, and fun, while exercises and examples from real-world companies help students gain a better grasp of the course material.



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