Loose Parts 3
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Leuven (België)
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Loose parts cross the boundaries of gender, age, abilities, and socioeconomic challenges. Loose Parts 3, the newest addition to the wildly popular Loose Parts series, helps teachers make a conscious effort to create culturally sustainable environments that allow children to grow and to conquer a dynamic world.
Over 400 full-color photographs beautifully illustrate the ongoing need for educational pedagogy that
- creates a sense of belonging
- supports children's identities
- is culturally responsive and sustainable
Loose Parts 3 contains inspiration and guidance on how to create culturally sensitive and culturally sustainable early childhood environments through six key terms: aesthetic, authenticity, equity, dynamic, praxis, and critical reflection. Use your environment to promote a sense of wonder, curiosity and joy, and allow children to explore their identities.
- Auteur:
Uitgever:Redleaf Press
- ISBN:9781605544663
- Bindwijze:Paperback
- Aantal Pagina's:245
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