Tussen 17/05 en 16/06 toont Maya Strobbe in ons antiquariaat te Antwerpen een grote selectie uit de publicatiegeschiedenis van haar uitgeverij 'Ramsdam Books'. Naast publicaties zal er origineel werk en archiefmateriaal te zien zijn.
Ze verzorgde eveneens een bijhorende publicatie die tijdens de vernissage zal voorgesteld worden en dit met muzikale omkadering door Solina Lapsus (Donderdag 16/05 vanaf 19u). Hierbij vindt u alvast een overzicht van de nog verkrijgbare boeken uit de catalogus van Ramsdam Books.
Expo: 17/05 - 16/06 during opening hours
Opening 16/05 at 19:00 with a performance by Solina Lapsus at 20:00
Maya Strobbe is a multidisciplinary artist navigating the intersection of drawing, graphic design, and bookmaking.
A significant aspect of Strobbe's practice is the creation of artists' publications under the alias RAMSDAM BOOKS. The publications exist within the gray area between artist's books, multiples, and zines. Typically, they are labor-intensive and meticulous endeavors. Recurring themes throughout RAMSDAM BOOKS' publishing catalog include drawing, collecting, everyday life, archives, rules, and games. The books often strive to adhere to a strong conceptual framework. When Maya publishes her own drawings, her focus lies in the pursuit of intriguing transformations, exploring the concept of regeneration through 'imperfect' reproduction.
In recent years, RAMSDAM BOOKS has dedicated more energy to publishing other artists active in the field of drawing.