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The Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh

The Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh - Nancy Mitford, Evelyn Waugh
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Levertijd: 2-3 werkdagen

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In their letters they sharpened their wits at the expense of friends and enemies alike, but with particular relish they dissected their friends, who included Harold Acton, Graham Greene, the Sitwells, Duff and Diana Cooper, Randolph Churchill, and their favorite butt, Cyril Connolly. Waugh's pessimistic brand of Roman Catholicism clashed with Mitford's cheerful iconoclasms; her francophilia only fueled her friend's dislike of all things French. He accused her of bad grammar and worse theology; she nailed him with snobbery and anti-Semitism.



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