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The Modern Réti

The Modern Réti - Alexander Delchev
Tweedehands vanaf 12,50

Koop Tweedehands

Gent (België)
Conditie: Goed Boek (en eventueel omslag) in goede staat, mogelijk kleine foutjes of gebruikssporen
1 st.
Levertijd: 1-2 werkdagen

Koop Nieuw

Niet nieuw beschikbaar.


Many players find that facing the ultra-solid Slav is like banging your head against a brick wall. This book, from an experienced author and strong grandmaster provides a solution. Based around the moves: 1.Nf3 d5 2.c4, Delchev provides original analysis, his own as well as computer generated, and up to date game references from 2011. The repertoire covers both 2...c6 and 2...e6 as well as the independent tries 2...dc and 2...d4.



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