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The Renaissance Shipwrecks from Christianshavn

The Renaissance Shipwrecks from Christianshavn - Christian P. P. Lemée

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This is volume 6 in the Ships and Boats of the North series and comprises an archaeological and architectural study of north west European shipbuilding between 1580 and 1640. The main aim of the research leading up to this publication has been to discover the specific carvel shipbuilding methods used in north west Europe in the Renaissance period. The study is based on the analysis of a group of finds excavated under the direction of the author in Copenhagen in 1996 and 1997. A total of 8 wrecks were discovered and recorded in the Christianshavn quarter of Copenhagen, and excavation revealed that some of these wrecks had been used in the 17th and 18th centuries as foundations for the construction of a harbour. Five were the remains of large carvel-built vessels dating from the reigns of Danish kings Frederik II (1559-88) and Christian IV (1588-1648) and thus represent a unique collection of Renaissance ship-types used in Danish waters.



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