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Glenn Brookshear, Dennis Brylow Engelstalig Paperback 9781292263427 736 pagina's Vanaf 101,32 Bekijk exemplaren Evolutionary Analysis, Global Edition Scott Freeman, Jon Herron Engelstalig Paperback 9781292061276 Januari 2015 864 pagina's For undergraduate courses in Evolution By presenting evolutionary biology as a dynamic, ongoing research effort and organising discussions around questions, this best-selling text helps... Vanaf 64,00 Bekijk exemplaren Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, Global Edition Dee Silverthorn Engelstalig Paperback 9781292259543 Augustus 2018 984 pagina's Encourage your students to move beyond memorisation with the best-selling text in Human Physiology. Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach is known for its active learning style and... Vanaf 95,87 Bekijk exemplaren Organic Chemistry Paula Yurkanis Bruice Engelstalig Paperback 9780321697684 1.440 pagina's Balances the coverage of traditional topics with bioorganic chemistry to show how organic chemistry is related to biological systems and to our daily lives Vanaf 25,00 Bekijk exemplaren Orthopedic Physical Examination Tests: An Evidence-Based Approach Chad Cook, Eric Hegedus Engelstalig Paperback 9781292027968 Januari 2017 552 pagina's For courses in orthopedics, physical therapy, athletic training, and physical examination, in programs for healthcare providers including physicians, nurses, athletic trainers, physician's... Vanaf 60,00 Bekijk exemplaren Corporate Finance, Global Edition + MyLab Finance with Pearson eText Berk Jonathan, Peter DeMarzo Engelstalig Paperback 9781292446424 Augustus 2023 Improve your decision-making skills and "think finance" from theory to practice. For corporate finance courses. Using the valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers... Vanaf 106,77 Bekijk exemplaren Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications, Global Edition Allan Hambley Engelstalig Paperback 9781292223124 Januari 2018 896 pagina's For courses in Electrical Engineering. Accessible and applicable learning in electrical engineering for introductory and non-major courses The #1 title in its market, Electrical... Vanaf 108,95 Bekijk exemplaren Artificial Intelligence Stuart Jonathan Russell, Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig Engelstalig Gekartonneerd 9780134610993 1.115 pagina's The most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence The long-anticipated revision of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach explores... Vanaf 145,00 Bekijk exemplaren Horngren's Cost Accounting, Global Edition Srikant Datar, Madhav Rajan Engelstalig Paperback 9781292363073 September 2020 1.024 pagina's For undergraduate and MBA cost or management accounting courses. Horngren’s Cost Accounting spells out the cost accounting market and continues to innovate by consistently integrating the... Vanaf 65,00 Bekijk exemplaren Biology: A Global Approach, 12th Global Edition + Modified Mastering Biology with Pearson eText Neil A. Campbell, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky Engelstalig Paperback 9781292345864 Augustus 2020 Setting the standard for excellence, accuracy, and innovation. Biology: A Global Approach delivers a trusted, accurate, current, and pedagogically innovative experience that guides students... 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It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. Our team works hard with... Vanaf 60,00 Bekijk exemplaren Linear and Dynamical Systems, Optimization and Games - Second Custom Edition P. Borm, E. van Dam, H. Hamers., H. Norde Engelstalig Paperback 9781849599474 Juli 2010 This custom product has been designed to help you succeed. It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. Our team works hard with... Vanaf 45,73 Bekijk exemplaren Chemistry, Global Edition John McMurry, Robert Fay, Jill Robinson Engelstalig Paperback 9781292336145 Juni 2020 1.200 pagina's Give students a robust conceptual foundation while building critical problem-solving skills Robinson/McMurry/Fay’s Chemistry, known for a concise and united author voice, conceptual focus,... 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Adams, Christopher Essex Engelstalig Paperback 9780135732595 Januari 2021 Learn everything you need to know about Calculus and practice your reasoning and practical skills with this high-end textbook. Calculus: A Complete Course, 10th Edition is the ultimate guide... Vanaf 90,42 Bekijk exemplaren Macroeconomics, Global Edition Olivier Blanchard Engelstalig Paperback 9781292351476 Juni 2020 576 pagina's A unified view of the latest macroeconomic events In Macroeconomics, Blanchard presents an integrated, global view of macroeconomics, enabling students to see the connections between goods... Vanaf 103,50 Bekijk exemplaren Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics, Global Edition Randall Knight Engelstalig Paperback 9781292438221 Juni 2022 1.324 pagina's For courses in introductory calculus-based physics. A research-driven approach to physics Physics for Scientists and Engineers incorporates Physics Education Research and... Vanaf 88,24 Bekijk exemplaren Corporate Finance, Global Edition Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo Engelstalig Paperback 9781292446318 Juni 2023 1.200 pagina's Improve your decision-making skills and "think finance" from theory to practice. For corporate finance courses. Using the valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers... Vanaf 103,50 Bekijk exemplaren Calculus for biology and medicine Claudia Neuhauser Engelstalig Paperback 919 pagina's This volume teaches calculus in the biology context without compromising the level of regular calculus. The material is organized in the standard way and explains how the different concepts... Vanaf 18,50 Bekijk exemplaren Ook verschenen als Paperback Vanaf € 25,00 Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Global Edition John Hull Engelstalig Paperback 9781292410654 Juni 2021 880 pagina's Support your students’ growth of essential skills around the derivatives market with the ultimate guide in the field. 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