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Vanaf 65,00 Bekijk exemplaren Artificial Intelligence Stuart Jonathan Russell, Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig Engelstalig Gekartonneerd 9780134610993 1.115 pagina's The most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence The long-anticipated revision of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach explores... Vanaf 145,00 Bekijk exemplaren Biology: A Global Approach, 12th Global Edition + Modified Mastering Biology with Pearson eText Neil A. Campbell, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky Engelstalig Paperback 9781292345864 Augustus 2020 Setting the standard for excellence, accuracy, and innovation. Biology: A Global Approach delivers a trusted, accurate, current, and pedagogically innovative experience that guides students... Vanaf 101,32 Bekijk exemplaren Biology (Twelfth edition) Diverse auteurs Engelstalig Paperback 9781292341637 1.504 pagina's This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside... Vanaf 93,69 Bekijk exemplaren Chemistry, Global Edition John McMurry, Robert Fay, Jill Robinson Engelstalig Paperback 9781292336145 Juni 2020 1.200 pagina's Give students a robust conceptual foundation while building critical problem-solving skills Robinson/McMurry/Fay’s Chemistry, known for a concise and united author voice, conceptual focus,... Vanaf 55,50 Bekijk exemplaren Macroeconomics, Global Edition Olivier Blanchard Engelstalig Paperback 9781292351476 Juni 2020 576 pagina's A unified view of the latest macroeconomic events In Macroeconomics, Blanchard presents an integrated, global view of macroeconomics, enabling students to see the connections between goods... Vanaf 103,50 Bekijk exemplaren Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology Marc Brysbaert, Kathy Rastle Engelstalig Paperback 9781292127958 712 pagina's "From time to time it is good to pause and wonder how we got where we are now. For instance, why did you open this book? How did you become interested in psychology? But also: for how long... Vanaf 65,35 Bekijk exemplaren Global Marketing Svend Hollensen Nederlandstalig Paperback 9781292251806 Januari 2020 808 pagina's Learn and develop essential skills around core global marketing strategies. Global Marketing, 8th Edition is the leading textbook for the work of marketers all around the world, ideal for... Vanaf 87,15 Bekijk exemplaren Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer Paperback 9781292282305 752 pagina's Develop confidence conducting statistical analysis with this trusted text Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS, eighth edition, by Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer is the... 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Vanaf 23,52 Bekijk exemplaren CCNP and CCIE Security Core SCOR 350-701 Official Cert Guide Omar Santos Engelstalig Paperback 9780135971970 Mei 2020 700 pagina's This is Cisco's official, comprehensive self-study resource for preparing for the DCCOR 300-601 exam, part of Cisco's modern pathways towards CCNP and CCIE certification. Cisco technology... Vanaf 54,99 Bekijk exemplaren Introduction to Econometrics James H. Stock, Mark W. Watson Engelstalig Paperback 9781292264455 755 pagina's For courses in introductory econometrics.Engaging applications bring the theory and practice of modern econometrics to life Ensure students grasp the relevance of econometrics with... Vanaf 101,32 Bekijk exemplaren Macbeth William Shakespeare Nederlandstalig Paperback 9789082995947 Mei 2020 194 pagina's Vanaf 15,00 Bekijk exemplaren Ook verschenen als Paperback Vanaf € 24,50 Psychology, Global Edition Saundra Ciccarelli, J. 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