1541 - 1599 12 uitgaven gevonden Populaire rubrieken Kunst, Cultuur & Geschiedenis Literatuur, thrillers & fantasy Spiritualiteit & Filosofie Filteren (1) Tonen als: Tegels Lijst Sorteer op: Prijs Titel Relevantie Populariteit (aflopend) Populariteit (oplopend) Inkoopdatum Beoordeling Uitgebreid zoeken Rime spirituali Gabriele Fiamma Italiaans Half leather First edition of this collection of spiritual poems (sonnets, hymns, canzoni, ...) by Gabriele Fiamma (1533-c.1585), theologian, preacher and orator among the most famous of his time.... Vanaf 750,00 Bekijk exemplaren Opera contra pelagianos [2 Vol.] Aurelius Augustinus Latijn Cont. calf 8vo, 2 vol. Augustine of Hippo (Saint Augustine) was a theologian and philosopher of Berber origin and the bishop of Hippo Regius in Roman North Africa. Vanaf 450,00 Bekijk exemplaren Annales, sive Historiae Rerum Belgicarum Iacobo EtAl De Meyere Nederlandstalig Leder band Folio in-6. Two engraved title pages, and two engravings in the text. Further decorated with numerous initial letters. The first book is written by De Meyere, the second book is written by a... Vanaf 725,00 Bekijk exemplaren M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera Omnia Cicero Latijn Perkament 435 pagina's Vanaf 495,00 Bekijk exemplaren Vitae illustrium virorum Plutarch Grieks Perkament 787 pagina's With woodcut printer's mark on titlepage & on v° last leaf. Folio, in contemporary (1562) blind tooled pigskin "mit rollen- und plattenstempel"over wooden boards Vanaf 1.250,00 Bekijk exemplaren Annales, sive Historiae Rerum Belgicarum Iacobo EtAl De Meyere Nederlandstalig half leather Folio in-6. Two engraved title pages, and two engravings in the text. Further decorated with numerous initial letters. The first book is written by De Meyere, the second book is written by a... Vanaf 750,00 Bekijk exemplaren Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestaru[m] libri XVIII Marcellinus Ammianus Latijn Half leather (2) Early Estienne edition Ammianus' history of the Roman empire. The 18 books of the Rerum Gestarum are the surviving portion of a work that originally extended to 31 books and cover the years... Vanaf 950,00 Bekijk exemplaren Epithetorum oratoriorum farrago, ex optimis et probatissimis linguae latinae auctoribus ... collecta ... a Sebastiano Figulo ... opus tum scholis, tum academiis utilissimum ... Sebastianus Figulus Latijn In blindstamped contemporary vellum with later added clasps 428 pagina's Vanaf 1.250,00 Bekijk exemplaren Mikta suegrammata... Varia scripta Plutarch Grieks Leder band Vanaf 250,00 Bekijk exemplaren De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo quinto, Caesare, commentarii. Additus est liber XXVI ... Johann Sleidanus Leder band Vanaf 175,00 Bekijk exemplaren Opera, quae ad nos extant omnia, per Ianum Cornarium latina lingua conscripta [annotations by bishop Aymar Hennequin] Plato, Marsilius Ficinus Latijn Contemporary calf, boards old blind stamped with central ornament, spine with 6 raised bands with gilt title * Large woodcut Froben mark on title page and at the end, many woodcut initials. Some Latin verse and ownership entries on title page and front flyleaf, i.a. “Aemarus Henneguinus”, ownership... Vanaf 1.750,00 Bekijk exemplaren Histoire de l'estat de la religion, et republique, sous l'empereur Charles Cinquieme Iean Sleidan Nederlandstalig Leder band 422 pagina's Vanaf 400,00 Bekijk exemplaren