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Colour Moves

Colour Moves - Matteo de Leeuw-De Monti, Sonia Delaunay, Petra Timmer

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Published to accompany a major exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution in New York City, Colour Moves focuses not only on abstract painter and colourist Sonia Delaunay's art but also her avant-garde fashion designs from her own Atelier Simultané in Paris during the 1920s as well as textiles she designed for the Metz & Co Department store in Amsterdam in the 1930s. Applying her talents and theories to all areas of visual expression, including graphics, interiors, theatre and film, fashion and textiles, a trademark of Delaunay's work is the sense of movement and rhythm created by the simultaneous contrasts of certain colours. The book features authoritative essays by Matilda McQuaid, Matteo de Leeuw-de Monti and Petra Timmer, accompanied by reproductions of over 250 of Delaunay's paintings, drawings, textiles and garments with correlating designs, fashion illustrations and period photographs.


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