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Nazi Gold

Nazi Gold - Tom Bower

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Praise for Nazi Gold

"A compelling book on one of the greatest robberies of all time."
--Rabbi Marvin Heir, dean, Simon Wesenthal Center

"Nazi Gold [is] a compelling, outraged, carefully researched book. . . Tom Bower, one of the finest investigative journalists in the English-speaking world over the past generation. . .is the ideal chronicler for this story. Over the past 20 years he has built up a track record second to none in documenting crimes and conspiracies that the Nazis and their collaborators were able to cover up or escape from in the decades after 1945. . .Riveting, outstanding."
--Martin Sieff, Washington Times

"Nazi Gold is an important book that uncovers much new material."
--Saul Friendlunder, author of Nazi Germany and the Jews

"Compelling reading."
--Chicago Jewish Star

"[A] sensational expose. . .Impressively revealing."
--Dade Jewish Star

Some Revelations form Nazi Gold

  • In 1942 thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing a Nazi roundup of Jews in occupied France crossed the border into Switzerland seeking asylum but where forcibly pushed back to the waiting Gestapo by the Swiss police. Virtually all of them were immediately shipped to concentration camps.

  • During the war thousands of Swiss willingly worked undercover for the German secret service and the Nazis.

  • The Swiss accepted for deposit without question gold bullion looted by German from the treasuries of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, and Holland'countries they had conquered. The Swedes and the Portuguese, also neutrals, refused to accept the looted gold.



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